Is Writing That Easy?

Dania Qamar
2 min readJun 22, 2023

I have always heard about writers bleeding on paper and artists on a canvas. 5 year old I would eternally be puzzled over this remark, 23-year-old me finally got around to figuring it out. Writers do indeed bleed their hearts, soul, and emotions on a piece of paper. Their whole life's worth of experiences, tragic instances, and observations form that unique perspective.

But coming back to the main question — is writing that easy? I have been training myself for the past 5 years to let inspiration be my driving gear. And somewhere, in the distant groves of my mind, would exist a muse who would call to the deepest, darkest parts of me and push me to write. Then writer's block happened, with a dash of corporate, and I struggled to unleash the passion. Creativity was a rare commodity and so did my words.

When writers don’t write and let the conundrum we call our routines beat the writer out of us, we start to feel that touch of hostility in us. We no longer feel like ourselves and blame the world around us. It is a blame game, though being a Pisces I am all too familiar with these routines. After a year of writer's block and the mundanity of life, I decided to pick that pen and paper and write about the crassness of life.

Writing is hard when we don’t commit to it, prune it, nourish it. If we lock it in a compartment and forget about it, it will slowly wither away. You would fail to bring that passion to your words and fail to connect with the people around you.

So, is writing really all as hard as Chat GPT makes it sound? For sure it is but if you are adamant about choosing greatness, it won’t be so hard.



Dania Qamar

Writer with her nose deep in the pages of a book, offering an eloquent form of thought dump.